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Botox® and Juvéderm®



Don’t let premature aging keep you from showing off your beautiful smile.
Allow Dr. Antonio to show you the benefits and convenience of Botox® and Juvederm®.

Smiling is wonderful, but over the years the facial muscles used to smile can leave deep grooves and wrinkles around your mouth and nose. You may also develop deep lines between your eyes and on your forehead that cause you to look angry even when you are smiling. Dentists are in the business of helping you achieve your best smile by caring for your teeth, but Dr. Antonio realizes there is more to a perfect smile than just teeth. That is why she is pleased to offer Botox® and Juvederm® in her office. You can be sure that the procedures will be performed in the most professional and painless manner by a dental professional. After all, dentists are known for delivering anesthesia so it makes sense that any procedure that requires injections should be handled by a dental professional. This is especially true when dealing with facial injections.


Botox® is administered by giving tiny injections into muscles that are contracted and causing the skin crease or furrow. Botox® works by enabling the muscles to relax. The effects will only be seen in the area where the injections are given and they will not affect your ability to show facial expressions.


Juvederm® is also administered using a tiny needle but the effects are slightly different. Instead of acting as a muscle relaxer, Juvederm® is actually a type of natural gel that fills in the lines that are not caused by muscle contraction. These static lines are caused by the loss of elasticity in the skin as we age. Many times this type of line forms the parenthesis on the face that we see when a person smiles. We call this the nasolabial fold. These deep grooves can be eliminated with Juvederm®.


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Personal Touch Dentistry
311 White Plains Road
Eastchester, NY 10709
Phone: 914-200-4971
Fax: 914-652-7332

Office Hours

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